Shop Vintage. Shop Small. Shop Sustainable.

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So, what is our story?

It all began with a single pair of Jordan 1s that I stumbled upon at the age of 14. Recognizing their unique value and demand among collectors, I seized the opportunity to buy and resell them. Little did I know that this seemingly small venture would ignite a passion that shaped my future.

While navigating through school I continued to tap into my entrepreneurial interests and gradually expanded my inventory beyond sneakers, amassing a collection of vintage clothing, streetwear, and other coveted items.

Driven by my unwavering pursuit of excellence, my business flourished. As word spread, my customer base expanded to thousands of buyers.

At Dante’s Deals, we are a family owned and operated business committed to delivering unique items - each one handpicked. Click ‘shop online’ in the upper right, and allow yourself to be inspired!

Thanks for shopping,

- Dante

Popular Brands you may find in our online store.

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